Calculating the nth Roots of a Complex Number


This program calculates the nth roots of a complex number. The roots are zk for k = 0, 1, 2, ..., n-1. You can also use the program to calculate z1/r, where r isn't necessarily an integer. The program operates the same way except that there may be infinitely many roots zk for k = 0,
±1, ±2, ... .

Program Resources


Name Description
 A Calculate the principal root z 0

Storage Registers

Name Description
 2 Real part of z0
 3 Imaginary part of z0


Number Description
8 Complex mode


Line Display Key Sequence Line Display Key Sequence
000 019 42.21. 0 f LBL 0
001 42.21.11 f LBL A 020 45 4 RCL 4
002 34 x↔y 021 45.20.25 RCL × I
003 15 1/x 022 42 30 f Re↔Im
004 43 36 g LSTx 023 43 35 g CLx
005 33 R⬇ 024 1 1
006 43. 4. 8 g SF 8 025 43 7 g DEG
007 14 026 42 1 f → R
008 44 2 STO 2 027 45 2 RCL 2
009 42 30 f Re↔Im 028 45 3 RCL 3
010 44 3 STO 3 029 42 25 f I
011 3 3 030 20 ×
012 6 6 031 45 25 RCL I
013 0 0 032 34 x↔y
014 43 33 g R⬆ 033 1 1
015 10 ÷ 034 44.40.25 STO + I
016 44 4 STO 4 035 33 R⬇
017 0 0 036 31 R/S
018 44 25 STO I 037 22 0 GTO 0